During the three months (March-May) of Fr. Rob Bacon's sabbatical, St. Paul's is very fortunate to welcome other area clergy to preach and/or celebrate the Eucharist on Sunday mornings. We hope everyone will join us in making them feel welcome during our upcoming schedule of services:

March 3 Music and Word service, The Rev. Melissa Bowen, Preacher
March 10 Lent 4, The Rev. Dan Bell, Celebrant and Preacher
March 17 Lent 5, The Rev. Beth Maynard, Celebrant and Preacher
March 24 Palm Sunday, The Rev. Beth Maynard, Celebrant & Preacher
March 28 Maundy Thursday, The Rev. Bob Davidson, Celebrant & Preacher
March 29 Good Friday, Stations of the Cross (lay led)
March 29 Good Friday, Tenebrae Service (lay led)
March 31 Easter, The Rev. Beth Maynard, Celebrant and Preacher
April 7 Easter II, The Rev. Beth Maynard, Celebrant and Preacher
April 14 Easter III, The Rev. Dan Bell, Celebrant and Preacher
April 21 Easter IV, The Rev. Dan Bell, Celebrant and Preacher
April 28 Music and Word service with Lay Preacher
May 5 Easter VI, The Rev. Martin Goshgarian, Celebrant and Preacher
May 12 Easter VII, The Rev. Martin Goshgarian, Celebrant and Preacher
May 19 Pentecost, The Rev. Martin Goshgarian, Celebrant and Preacher
May 26 Trinity Sunday, Music and Word Service with Lay Preacher