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Godly Play News

Light the Advent candles, in a wreath of green.

Let them be an off’ring fit for a King.

One for hope and one for love, one for joy and peace,

glowing in the darkness, shine for all to see.

-- Mark Clark

December was a busy month for our Godly Play youth. They joined the choir each Sunday to sing the Advent wreath lighting song. Many thanks to Julia Nelson and Barbara Savage for teaching them the words and the tune!

On the first Sunday in December, the children heard the story of the Holy Family: Mary, Joseph, the Christ child, a shepherd and sheep, donkey, cow, and the Wise Men. The Holy Family is very important to our Godly Play classroom, which is why it sits right in the center of the focal shelf of our room. Each member is meaningful but none as important as the Christ child.

On December 8th we joined the congregation to welcome Bishop Gates. It was a fabulous morning filled with worship, Christmas card making, and blanket tying.

We shared the Story of Advent on the third Sunday of December. We met the Prophets who pointed the way; the Holy Family who were on their way; the Shepherds who ran; and the Wise Men who followed the star. They were ALL on their way to Bethlehem to see the Christ Child, the Mystery of Christmas.

We practiced the Pageant on the fourth Sunday of Advent and shared it with the congregation on Christmas Eve. Eighteen children told the Christmas story this year. It was a true gift to the congregation.

Our Godly Play story schedule for January:

1/5 Epiphany

1/12 Baptism

1/19 No Sunday school (MLK weekend)

1/26 Elijah

Sunday school starts at 10 a.m. with the Godly Play storyteller inviting the children to “the circle.” The children listen to a short story with visuals - either manipulatives or cards - to help engage them. After hearing the story we enter a time of “wonder,” when the children reflect: How would you feel? Where might you be? Wondering is an important part of the Godly Play method and the children’s responses help everyone better understand what the storyteller has shared.

One Sunday a month we begin downstairs and join the congregation at the Peace for Eucharist. Abigail Travers and Abba McKenelley provide childcare for younger children not quite ready to join the Godly Play circle.



St. Paul's Episcopal Church

127 Summer Street

Lynnfield, Massachusetts 01940


(781) 334-4594

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