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Recommended videos to educate about racial injustice; Public Forum planned

Since George Floyd's heart-wrenching murder in Minneapolis on May 25th our nation has been called — once again — to address inequities and injustices that have been plaguing our nation since its founding.  Our deepest desire at St. Paul's Episcopal Church is to stand in the gospel of Jesus Christ on all matters of every kind at all times.  We believe that if we can all just gather around the gospel of Christ — like gathering around a campfire — and discuss any issue through the words and actions of Jesus Christ, that we can then actually become One Body in Christ — a Body that thrives and flourishes together in "unity, constancy, and peace" (BCP, 363) as is our Lord's deepest desire.  To that end, we'd like to recommend three videos that you may want to watch with your families.  They are:

  1. Just Mercy -- free on Amazon Prime.  Watch the Trailer.

  2. 13th -- free on Netflix.  Trailer

  3. The African-Americans: Many Rivers to Cross -- free on Amazon Prime.  Trailer

And we will offer a public forum to discuss Just Mercy by Zoom on Tuesday evening, June 30th, from 7:00-8:00PM.  I hope you'll join us.

We'll take the summer to educate ourselves more fully on matters surrounding racial equality, then we'll circle back in the fall with more resources and opportunities for prayerful and focused discussions going forward.

May we all reflect deeply upon the words and actions of Jesus Christ, and may we try our best to walk with Him on His path in all that we do.

Many Blessings,



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