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Altar Guild

The Altar Guild completes important behind-the-scenes tasks in preparation for worship services.  Setting up the altar, laundering linens, maintaining vestments, and ensuring the items needed for worship are in good condition are some of the Altar Guild's roles.  To help, contact Gail Purtz.

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Crucifers and Acolytes

Carrying the processional cross as a crucifer and assisting at Communion are two key roles of St. Paul's crucifers.  Other acolytes carry candles during processions.  This is a ministry good for young and old alike.  Contact Jim Rosato for more information.

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An important element in our Christian community is sharing fellowship with each other.  Our Hospitality team oversees our needs for hospitality, and recruits and schedules volunteers to provide and set up refreshments at Coffee Hours after our later Sunday service, and following occasional special events.  Contact Abbe Moore.

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Lay Eucharistic Ministry

Reading the prayers and assisting the priest in preparing for and distributing Communion are richly rewarding ways to share your gifts during worship.  Contact Jim Rosato or the Rector if you'd like to become a Lay Eucharistic Minister (LEM).

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Lectors read the Old and New Testament lessons on Sunday mornings and have an opportunity to spend time with the readings before Sunday as they prepare.  Contact Doreen Hammond.

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St. Paul's Choir

St. Paul's Choir sings for our 10 a.m. Sunday services from September through June, and rehearses Thursday evenings from 7 to 9 p.m. and one hour before the Sunday service.  All are welcome and encouraged to join the choir and to share a love of singing.  No experience required.  Contact our Music Director.

To hear the St. Paul's choir, click here.

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The "first face" of the parish, our Ushers greet people arriving for worship, distribute service leaflets, collect the offering, and provide general assistance on Sunday mornings.  To sign up, contact Sue Bourdon.

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