Although beach sand may linger between our toes and our cars are still stocked with sunscreen, coolers, and towels, the fall schedule at St. Paul’s is about to begin with a selection of worship services, Sunday school, and the Season of Creation.
Three Eucharists a Week

On Sunday, September 10, our fall schedule of two Sunday services resumes. Our Holy Eucharist Rite I at 8:30am is a said service and our Holy Eucharist Rite II at 10am includes hymns and service music, led by our music director and choir. And, as always, our informal Wednesday Holy Eucharist and Bible Study continues at 10am in the Great Room. All are welcome!
Godly Play Resumes for Kids

Godly Play for children in grades PreK through grade 6 is the Sunday school curriculum used at St. Paul's. Through story, wonder, and play, it explores the mystery of God’s presence in our lives by teaching us (both children and adults!) to listen for God and to respond to God’s call in our lives. Each Sunday at 10am in the Common Room beginning September 10, the storyteller will share that week’s story. Then we all will “wonder,” have work time, enjoy a snack, and share our prayers for coming week.
Season of Creation

This fall, St. Paul's will again join with billions of Christians around the world to recognize our Gospel calling to protect the Earth that God has entrusted to our care. For five Sundays, September 10 through October 8, we will observe the Season of Creation. During these Sundays, at our 10am Eucharists, we will share prayers and special music from various cultures to help us awaken our hearts and minds to our role in affecting the health and future of “our island home” - the whole of the Earth.
The symbol of the 2023 Season of Creation (developed by the ecumenical organization to which the Anglican Communion belongs) is a mighty river. This symbol reflects the Prophet Amos’ cry: “But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!" As Christians, we are called to take up climate and ecological justice, to recognize the urgency needed to positively affect the whole of creation, including young people everywhere, through changed attitudes and actions.
We hope you’ll enter into the Season of Creation with awareness to the wonders of Creation and openness to find ways to use all things for good to the honor of God, through Jesus Christ our Savior.