The following post was written and distributed by Pam Heintz, Head of School at the North Shore Christian School. Our beloved Music Director Larry Kamp taught at NSCS for many years. Her remembrance Larry is shared with permission.

Dear Society Members, Friends, and Staff of the North Shore Christian School,
Every now and again, we meet an individual whose very presence commands (and elicits) a reaction within us. The very being of who they are embodies something otherworldly and altogether different and wonderful. Their experiences and the way they live life in the seemingly ordinary, and yet always remain fully attentive and in the moment, draws you in and you wish to linger, if for no other reason than to try to understand what it is that is so attractive about this person.
Mr. Larry Kamp was that sort of human. He had an unwitting way of disarming people and giving them space to share openly and from the gut. Larry loved people. But even more, he loved his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Last week, on August 6th, Larry received the privilege of standing in the Presence of his God for all eternity. Suffering a massive heart attack and being placed on life support, mortal death eventually overtook Larry’s earthly body, but it was only a means to usher him into his new home, Heaven.
Larry served the NSCS community for over three decades. Larry made his debut to the NSCS community in September 1982 when he was hired by the then Principal, Dr. Priscilla Nelson. He resigned thirty years later in 2013 only to begin new ventures. Larry was first hired as the music instructor, but soon was serving as the school-wide Bible instructor teaching children in the formative years and cultivating a deep love and respect of God. Designing Bible curriculum, he handled God’s word with sensitivity. Larry also brought levity and creativity to NSCS serving as the theater instructor for many years. He inspired students to reach inside and discover untapped talent and bring it to the stage. As the school Chaplain he would transform the multi-purpose room each Wednesday into sacred space, where he exposed children to the beauty of inviting God’s presence as he exposed students to God’s perfect Word. Through his years at NSCS, Larry also served as Team Leader, Principal, Music Director, and friend to his students - he was always available to his students, whom he adored and accepted each without question. Even after he left NSCS he remained in contact with many of his former students, and faithfully prayed for them.
Two years ago, Larry spoke at NSCS’s 8th grade graduation. I often say that that the older I get the less relevant I feel, however, Larry had a unique and winsome way of defying age and keeping his audiences (of all ages) on the edge of their seats. During his address to our students this particular evening, he shared a simple message that he himself lived out daily. It was from Micah 6:8. Larry explained to the 8th grade students who were on the cusp of the next big milestone in life, that Jesus has made it very clear what is required for godly living – to do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly. We can all say about the life Larry lived – “Well done, Larry, thy good and faithful servant”. Larry modeled these qualities every day, and with every interaction he had, be it elementary students at NSCS, or his college and graduate students at Gordon College, or his colleagues, or the congregations he served as he shared his talent of organ and piano playing. Larry loved a good discussion and would engage with vigor and humor around important issues, but never to the degree that they would divide. He always sought unity and understanding. Most importantly, Larry modeled how a husband and father ought to live. He had a relentless love for his family and it was obvious to all who knew Larry that they were his passion.
Larry’s service will be held this Friday, August 16th at 11AM in the AJ Gordon Memorial Chapel on the grounds of Gordon College in Wenham, MA. Also, a GoFundMe page has been created by a friend of the Kamp family and if anyone feels led to donate you may do so here.
Additionally, if you are an alumni or a parent of an alumni from NSCS and would like to participate in a tribute to Larry at his memorial service on Friday, Sam Nelson (2002) will be organizing a rehearsal at Gordon College in the AJ Gordon Chapel at 9AM before the service. Please utilize this link to sign up. The musical selection is John Rutter’s “For the Beauty of the Earth.”
May we remember to pray for Larry’s wife Lianne and his children in the coming days and weeks ahead. As we do so, might we trust that God will impart peace and comfort.
With Love,
Pam Heintz, Head of School