For several years pre-pandemic, dedicated teams of St. Paul's parishioners visited Chelsea each month to prepare and serve meals in the Soup Kitchen at St. Luke’s/San Lucas Episcopal Church. Sadly, COVID-19 forced the Soup Kitchen to close, but the community’s needs continue.
The St. Luke's Food Pantry, another of their services to those in need in Chelsea, helps to fill that void. Understandably, people's reliance on the Pantry has grown immensely during the pandemic.
Our Outreach Team has committed to continue supporting St. Luke’s ministry by helping to keep the Food Pantry stocked.
This is where you can help. The Pantry especially needs pet food and personal hygiene items. To participate in this ministry, as you go about your own grocery shopping, please pick up extra pet food or personal hygiene products to go to the Pantry. Bring your donated items to the Great Room at St. Paul’s, where you’ll find a table marked for St. Luke’s. Each month, the Outreach team will deliver our collected donations to the Pantry.
Thank you for supporting this important ministry to our friends in Chelsea!
If you are interested in getting more involved in ministry to St. Luke's, please contact Jim Rosato. To learn more about our Outreach activities, please contact Paul Bowen.