This past week was the kick off to the new season of Youth Group! Four friends showed up ready to share their thoughts and learn about each other. Everyone was so incredibly open to answering icebreaker questions about their favorite seasons or a new skill they want to learn (of course, it always helps that we offered Starbursts candy).
This week was centered around community. What is community? What do you expect from a community? How can communities be beneficial for society? This also led into an eye-opening conversation of how COVID affected community. What was it like having to learn over a Zoom screen? How did not seeing your friends feel? Together we talked about how community is so important for our mental, emotional, social, and physical health. And moving forward, the Youth Group aims to become a community for the youth in the parish to proudly be themselves and work together to learn more about faith.

Our next Youth Group meeting will be Sunday, October 15. We look forward to seeing you!
~Youth Group Mentors :)
