Holy Week and Easter Services
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Journey with us through Holy Week to the Day of Resurrection! Palm Sunday 10am: Liturgy of the Palms and Holy Eucharist (one service...
Christmas Pageant 2021 images
Thank you to our young people for bringing back St. Paul's Christmas Pageant at the 10 a.m. service on Sunday, December 19th. What a joy...
From Fr. Rob: Paul Bowen Named Director of Outreach and Christian Formation
I write with the exciting news that Paul Bowen has agreed to come onboard part-time for a while to help us continue to grow programs and...
Lenten Evening Series on Discovering "The Wisdom Pattern"
Join in the fun and discovery of Lent with friends and neighbors as we learn about "The Wisdom Pattern: Order, Disorder, Reorder."
Sacred Ground: Dialogue on Race and Faith
Every time we celebrate a Holy Baptism, or attend a Confirmation or an Ordination, we get to renew our own Baptismal vows. I love these...
Recommended videos to educate about racial injustice; Public Forum planned
May we all reflect deeply upon the words and actions of Jesus Christ and may we try our best to walk with Him on His path ...
From Dr. Karen McAlmon
I have been thinking about the current situation in our nation and praying about it. I have written some of my feelings and thoughts and...
Youth Group Activities
The St. Paul's Youth Group has enjoyed a lot of learning and fun during the first half of the school year, and more plans are in the works.
Youth Mental Health First Aid
St. Paul's will host Youth Mental Health First Aid training in March, sponsored by A Healthy Lynnfield.
What's new in the Godly Play Circle?
It's been a wonderful season of Epiphany in the Godly Play classroom.
Living in Divine Presence: An Introduction to Contemplative Prayer Practices
Come refresh your mind, body and spirit. Explore divine presence within you and all of creation. A five-part series.
Godly Play News
Light the Advent candles, in a wreath of green. Let them be an off’ring fit for a King. One for hope and one for love, one for joy and...
Update from the Bethlehem School
The Bethlehem School teachers wish everyone a Happy New Year! They and the students come back from their holiday break on Thursday,...
Godly Play Update: The Ten Best Ways
God loved the People so much that He showed them the Ten Best Ways to Live: the Ten Commandments.
Children's Christmas Pageant
It's time to start preparing for one of St. Paul's most treasured traditions -- the Children's Christmas Pageant!
Animals, Sand, and Desert - Godly Play
Following the Exodus, the Godly Play circle will hear about Moses and the Israelites in the desert and what they learn there.
Godly Play Update
By Sheila Callaghan Luke 18:16 -- But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder...
September Vestry Update
By Katie Ahearn, Senior Warden The September 2019 Vestry meeting opened with a review of the Vestry Job Description and Covenant. Minutes...
Welcome to a New Program Year!
Although the Church year officially begins in Advent, many of our lives' rhythms shift to a quicker tempo each September with the new...
Sunday School Resumes Godly Play Sept. 15
By Sheila Callaghan, Sunday School Director Luke 18:16 But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to...
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