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Beginning of Program Year Activities
As summer draws to a close, we're looking forward to the start of St. Paul's Program Year, which begins on Sunday, September 11th. ...

Summer Schedule Begins June 12
St. Paul's begins its summer schedule of Sunday services beginning June 12. Through September 4th, we will have one Sunday Rite II...
Holy Week and Easter Services
Journey with us through Holy Week to the Day of Resurrection! Palm Sunday 10am: Liturgy of the Palms and Holy Eucharist (one service...

The Way of the Cross – Good Friday April 15, 2022 at 12:00 noon
St. Paul’s invites the community to a contemplative service on Good Friday, April 15, at 12:00 PM. Traditionally one of the most...

"Ashes to Go" Return
Lent is coming quickly -- Ash Wednesday arrives on March 2nd, 2022. In addition to offering the Good Friday liturgy from The Book of...

Christmas Pageant 2021 images
Thank you to our young people for bringing back St. Paul's Christmas Pageant at the 10 a.m. service on Sunday, December 19th. What a joy...

Advent and Christmas Schedule
SPECIAL SERVICES Children’s Christmas Pageant and Eucharist Sunday, Dec. 19, 10AM The Holy Family, sheep, stars. Maybe a donkey. ...

God Bless Our Pets!
On Sunday, October 4, in recognition of the feast day of St. Francis, St. Paul's celebrated our pets with the Annual Blessing of the...

Sanctuary to Fully Re-open June 20
Fr. Rob announces that the Vestry has voted to fully re-open the St. Paul's Sanctuary.
No Reservations Required!
As Fr. Rob announced on Sunday, May 30, we no longer need to make reservations to attend church in-person, although we will continue to...
Phased Regathering to Begin May 2
As announced in a parish-wide email on April 18, St. Paul's will be adopting a phased approach to regathering in person, and our first...

Holy Week and Easter Service Schedule
Join us for Holy Week and Easter!

Ashes "To Go" for Self Imposition
Although our traditional Ash Wednesday traditions may be disrupted, you can still begin Lent with the imposition of ashes -- DIY style.

A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols
Join St. Paul's via Zoom for a virtual Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols at 4 p.m. on Sunday, December 20, 2020.

Et incarnatus est: a prelude to Advent concert
In celebration of St. Paul’s 2020 Stewardship Season Ingathering, soprano Julia Nelson and organist Andrew Shenton will present a concert...
Where do we stand on reopening?
On behalf of our Wardens, Officers, and Vestry I would like to thank everyone for your participation in our recent All Parish Survey . . .

Blessed be our Pets!
It was a virtual Blessing of the Animals in 2020 for the Feast of St. Francis.

St. Paul's Convenes COVID-19 Advisory Group
St. Paul's has a new Advisory Group to consider issues and implications for eventually re-opening our building safely in light of COVID-19.

Miss a Virtual Service? Watch the Video!
Watch recordings of our virtual services on YouTube.
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