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October Vestry Report

by Katie Ahearn, Senior Warden

The October Vestry meeting opened with Bible study (Galatians 6:2 and 1 John 2:5-6). Minutes of last month's meeting were then approved.

Dave Garlow, Junior Warden, reporting on the end of the summer construction project, said that 41of 51 items to be done in the church have been closed. The Bethlehem School is waiting for 10 items to be closed. Work within the School must be completed on the weekends which has added to the delay. All future church needs will be turned over to the Building and Grounds committee. Our construction project architect will be invited to come on a Sunday in the near future.

Kwame Ofori-Asante, Treasurer, reported that last month we were a little short on pledges, but we have made up a little of that this month. Year to date, we are about $8000 below on pledges.

Abbe Moore reported that she and Jim Vath, Co-chairs, kicked off our Stewardship drive Sunday, October 8th, with a kicked-up coffee hour enjoyed by all. Each Sunday during the Stewardship campaign, at both the 8:30 and 10:00 services, members of the parish will give testimonials. On Sunday, November 10th, vestry members will be available after church for those who would like to speak about the Capital Campaign and the Stewardship drive. Pledge cards were mailed on October 8, 2019. A pledge ingathering is planned for November 17th.

Fr. Rob announced that Bishop Gates will be visiting St. Paul’s on Sunday December 8th.

The vestry meeting closed with prayer.


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