By Abbe Moore and Jim Vath, Stewardship Co-Chairs

We are excited by this year’s stewardship theme, “Shining Our Light.” Taken from the fifth chapter of Matthew’s Gospel, this theme speaks to us as both individuals and as a community of faith.
Individually, each of us is called to let God’s light shine through our work, our friendships, our families, our service, and our giving. We are called to be light bearers. It’s a powerful calling.
As a faith community, St. Paul's must shine the light of Christ through our worship, welcoming, pastoral care, and ministry to the wider community. How we use our time, talents, and treasure determines how brightly we are shining that light.
At St. Paul's, we are continually humbled by the various ways members of our church keep the light of Christ shining brightly. Our newly refurbished building is a living testament to that light. And, of course, parishioners support God's work on a continuous basis in the Church by participating in our worship either by singing in the choir or assisting in the service, preparing our altar and worship space, and providing for fellowship at Coffee Hour. Many of us also help administer our programs and represent the church by participating in community service and outreach.
While during this pledge drive, each of us is asked to make a generous financial pledge for the coming year, we are also grateful for the many gifts of time, food, and skills from virtually every member of this church.
In Sunday services during our Stewardship campaign, we look forward to hearing parishioners’ own stories of how Christ’s light has shown on them and how they work to reflected in their daily lives. We’ll also include written reflections in our Sunday bulletins for your own devotional practice as you consider how you might let your light shine.
We hope you’ll join us as we work together to shine Christ’s light in church, in our community, and in our lives.